This mug was made by me .After finishing my another works of ceramic i find some pest is left.Then i thought to make something without wasting it.So i was wondering what should i made by this.And suddenly i got this idea of making a mug.But it is too little .i dont use any extra colour in it just add some straight line in it .I love it.do u?
That is so cute!
really?you like it?thanks
Thanks for starting blogs in net. My advice to yo that, you have to change 'bg means background' color in google ads code.(please make sure adjusting page background color and ads background color=similiar) I hope it will bring some extra income for you. By the way, if you want you can see my ads adjusting in my LasikReviews blog. Best of luck.
hay lasikreview....thanks for ur comments and advice.r u a doctor?anyway where do u get my website address?
actually i am a new blogger n completely unknown about these.....means changing colours of ads n changing websites designs .n i dont have so much time to learn all these but i am tring n learning...i think i can do it.definetely i'll develope n bring some variation in my blog recently considering ur advice.thanks again
keeps checking...n always needs this kinds of advice .
Yes Rumki,after coming to your site the 1st thing i noticed is the color of your site.You have to change it.I prefer light color as background beacuse that it good and easy to read.btb your site represents you!!!!Nice!!!
suknopatathanks.i know my blogs colour is not nice .i want to change the entire design of my website.but i cant do that because i m completely a new blogger.but i m trying my best.
the Mug looks really kool. can u share with us how did u do such. anyway, follow the course of caroline middlebrok to learn abt the Blogging ing Blooger.
good luck.... :)
romel thanks a lot.i use the same method of ceramic wreath another post of mine...where i told detail about it.
but romel i dont undrstnd 'caroline middlebrok's course' what is it?where can i get it?through net?google search?can u pls tell me detail? pls
my another site http://www.rumkisworld.blogspot.com/
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anyway, your commenting section sucks. make it reader friendly. You will get more responses.
romel thanks a lot.i know how my commenting section is.even i cant see all comments easily.but i cant make it reader friendly.U give so much helpful advice to me ,i wish u help me in this matter also.
romel is that ok now?
yeah pretty good now :)
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